Jubileum NVAA
Další název/názvy: Jubileum NVAA
NVAA jubilee
Rok: 1915
Minutáž: 00:04:00
Popis: Reportage about a meeting of the N.V.AA, the Nederlandsche Vereeniging tot Afschaffing van Alcoholische Dranken , also known as the ‘Blauwe Knoop '. The film records an anniversary meeting of the N.V.AA, which was founded in 1842 as the Nederlandsche Vereeniging tot Afschaffing van Sterken Drank (N.V.). The N.V.AA did not only want distilled drinks to be banned, but wine and beer as well. The reportage opens with the arrival of the members at Amsterdam’s Central Station. At the meeting, which was held in a park, children and young people were also on hand. Among the members of the organization is Frerich Ulfert Schmidt, a socialist teacher who played a key role in the formation of N.V.AA. The General Assembly of the organization was held in the former town hall, which after 1988 was converted into the hotel The Grand.
Klíčová slova: World War, 1914-1918 -- Netherlands / Amsterdam / Nederland / alcoholische dranken / parken / alcoholisme / verenigingen / jubilea / EFG1914 / World War I
Poskytovatel: EYE Filmmuseum (The Netherlands)
Práva: In Copyright - EU Orphan Work
Produkční společnost: Unknown
Director: Unknown
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